
Logic, Computation and Set Theory | Part II, 2004

Define the sets Vα,αONV_{\alpha}, \alpha \in O N. Show that each VαV_{\alpha} is transitive, and explain why VαVβV_{\alpha} \subseteq V_{\beta} whenever αβ\alpha \leqslant \beta. Prove that every set xx is a member of some VαV_{\alpha}.

Which of the following are true and which are false? Give proofs or counterexamples as appropriate. You may assume standard properties of rank.

(a) If the rank of a set xx is a (non-zero) limit then xx is infinite.

(b) If the rank of a set xx is a successor then xx is finite.

(c) If the rank of a set xx is countable then xx is countable.

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