
Groups, Rings and Fields | Part II, 2004

(i) Let KCK \leqslant \mathbb{C} be a field and LCL \leqslant \mathbb{C} a finite normal extension of KK. If HH is a finite subgroup of order mm in the Galois group G(LK)G(L \mid K), show that LL is a normal extension of the HH-invariant subfield I(H)I(H) of degree mm and that G(LI(H))=HG(L \mid I(H))=H. [You may assume the theorem of the primitive element.]

(ii) Show that the splitting field over Q\mathbb{Q} of the polynomial x4+2x^{4}+2 is Q[24,i]\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt[4]{2}, i] and deduce that its Galois group has order 8. Exhibit a subgroup of order 4 of the Galois group, and determine the corresponding invariant subfield.

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