A2.3 B2.2

Functional Analysis | Part II, 2004

(i) Prove Riesz's Lemma, that if VV is a normed space and AA is a vector subspace of VV such that for some 0k<10 \leqslant k<1 we have d(x,A)kd(x, A) \leqslant k for all xVx \in V with x=1\|x\|=1, then AA is dense in VV. [Here d(x,A)d(x, A) denotes the distance from xx to AA.]

Deduce that any normed space whose unit ball is compact is finite-dimensional. [You may assume that every finite-dimensional normed space is complete.]

Give an example of a sequence f1,f2,f_{1}, f_{2}, \ldots in an infinite-dimensional normed space such that fn1\left\|f_{n}\right\| \leqslant 1 for all nn, but f1,f2,f_{1}, f_{2}, \ldots has no convergent subsequence.

(ii) Let VV be a vector space, and let 1\|\cdot\|_{1} and .2\|.\|_{2} be two norms on VV. What does it mean to say that 1\|\cdot\|_{1} and .2\|.\|_{2} are equivalent?

Show that on a finite-dimensional vector space all norms are equivalent. Deduce that every finite-dimensional normed space is complete.

Exhibit two norms on the vector space l1l^{1} that are not equivalent.

In addition, exhibit two norms on the vector space ll^{\infty} that are not equivalent.

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