
Functional Analysis | Part II, 2004

(i) Let HH be a Hilbert space, and let MM be a non-zero closed vector subspace of HH. For xHx \in H, show that there is a unique closest point PM(x)P_{M}(x) to xx in MM.

(ii) (a) Let xHx \in H. Show that xPM(x)Mx-P_{M}(x) \in M^{\perp}. Show also that if yMy \in M and xyMx-y \in M^{\perp} then y=PM(x)y=P_{M}(x).

(b) Deduce that H=MMH=M \bigoplus M^{\perp}.

(c) Show that the map PMP_{M} from HH to MM is a continuous linear map, with PM=1\left\|P_{M}\right\|=1.

(d) Show that PMP_{M} is the projection onto MM along MM^{\perp}.

Now suppose that AA is a subspace of HH that is not necessarily closed. Explain why A={0}A^{\perp}=\{0\} implies that AA is dense in H.H .

Give an example of a subspace of l2l^{2} that is dense in l2l^{2} but is not equal to l2l^{2}.

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