A2.2 B2.1

Principles of Dynamics | Part II, 2004

(i) Consider a light rigid circular wire of radius aa and centre OO. The wire lies in a vertical plane, which rotates about the vertical axis through OO. At time tt the plane containing the wire makes an angle ϕ(t)\phi(t) with a fixed vertical plane. A bead of mass mm is threaded onto the wire. The bead slides without friction along the wire, and its location is denoted by AA. The angle between the line OAO A and the downward vertical is θ(t)\theta(t).

Show that the Lagrangian of the system is

ma22θ˙2+ma22ϕ˙2sin2θ+mgacosθ.\frac{m a^{2}}{2} \dot{\theta}^{2}+\frac{m a^{2}}{2} \dot{\phi}^{2} \sin ^{2} \theta+m g a \cos \theta .

Calculate two independent constants of the motion, and explain their physical significance.

(ii) A dynamical system has Hamiltonian H(q,p,λ)H(q, p, \lambda), where λ\lambda is a parameter. Consider an ensemble of identical systems chosen so that the number density of systems, f(q,p,t)f(q, p, t), in the phase space element dqdpd q d p is either zero or one. Prove Liouville's Theorem, namely that the total area of phase space occupied by the ensemble is time-independent.

Now consider a single system undergoing periodic motion q(t),p(t)q(t), p(t). Give a heuristic argument based on Liouville's Theorem to show that the area enclosed by the orbit,

I=pdqI=\oint p d q

is approximately conserved as the parameter λ\lambda is slowly varied (i.e. that II is an adiabatic invariant).

Consider H(q,p,λ)=12p2+λq2nH(q, p, \lambda)=\frac{1}{2} p^{2}+\lambda q^{2 n}, with nn a positive integer. Show that as λ\lambda is slowly varied the energy of the system, EE, varies as

Eλ1/(n+1).E \propto \lambda^{1 /(n+1)} .

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