
Graph Theory | Part II, 2004

(i) Let GG be a connected graph of order n3n \geq 3 such that for any two vertices xx and yy,

d(x)+d(y)kd(x)+d(y) \geq k

Show that if k<nk<n then GG has a path of length kk, and if k=nk=n then GG is Hamiltonian.

(ii) State and prove Hall's theorem.

[If you use any form of Menger's theorem, you must state it clearly.]

Let GG be a graph with directed edges. For SV(G)S \subset V(G), let

Γ+(S)={yV(G):xyE(G) for some xS}\Gamma_{+}(S)=\{y \in V(G): x y \in E(G) \text { for some } x \in S\}

Find a necessary and sufficient condition, in terms of the sizes of the sets Γ+(S)\Gamma_{+}(S), for the existence of a set FE(G)F \subset E(G) such that at every vertex there is exactly one incoming edge and exactly one outgoing edge belonging to FF.

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