
Transport Processes | Part II, 2004

(i) In an experiment, a finite amount MM of marker gas of diffusivity DD is released at time t=0t=0 into an infinite tube in the neighbourhood of the origin x=0x=0. Starting from the one-dimensional diffusion equation for the concentration C(x,t)C(x, t) of marker gas,

Ct=DCxxC_{t}=D C_{x x}

use dimensional analysis to show that

C=M(Dt)1/2f(ξ)C=\frac{M}{(D t)^{1 / 2}} f(\xi)

for some dimensionless function ff of the similarity variable ξ=x/(Dt)1/2\xi=x /(D t)^{1 / 2}.

Write down the equation and boundary conditions satisfied by f(ξ)f(\xi).

(ii) Consider the experiment of Part (i). Find f(ξ)f(\xi) and sketch your answer in the form of a plot of CC against xx at a few different times tt.

Calculate C(x,t)C(x, t) for a second experiment in which the concentration of marker gas at x=0x=0 is instead raised to the value C0C_{0} at t=0t=0 and maintained at that value thereafter. Show that the total amount of marker gas released in this case becomes greater than MM after a time

t=π16D(MC0)2.t=\frac{\pi}{16 D}\left(\frac{M}{C_{0}}\right)^{2} .

Show further that, at much larger times than this, the concentration in the first experiment still remains greater than that in the second experiment for positions xx with x>|x|> 4C0Dt/M{ }_{4} C_{0} D t / M.

[Hint: erfc(z)2πzeu2du1πzez2\operatorname{erfc}(z) \equiv \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{z}^{\infty} e^{-u^{2}} d u \sim \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi} z} e^{-z^{2}} as z.]\left.z \rightarrow \infty .\right]

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