
Statistical Physics and Cosmology | Part II, 2004

(a) Consider an ideal gas of Fermi particles obeying the Pauli exclusion principle with a set of one-particle energy eigenstates EiE_{i}. Given the probability pi(ni)p_{i}\left(n_{i}\right) at temperature TT that there are nin_{i} particles in the eigenstate EiE_{i} :

pi(ni)=e(μEi)ni/kTZi,p_{i}\left(n_{i}\right)=\frac{e^{\left(\mu-E_{i}\right) n_{i} / k T}}{Z_{i}},

determine the appropriate normalization factor ZiZ_{i}. Use this to find the average number nˉi\bar{n}_{i} of Fermi particles in the eigenstate EiE_{i}.

Explain briefly why in generalizing these discrete eigenstates to a continuum in momentum space (in the range pp to p+dpp+d p ) we must multiply by the density of states

g(p)dp=4πgsVh3p2dpg(p) d p=\frac{4 \pi g_{s} V}{h^{3}} p^{2} d p

where gsg_{s} is the degeneracy of the eigenstates and VV is the volume.

(b) With the energy expressed as a momentum integral

E=0E(p)nˉ(p)dpE=\int_{0}^{\infty} E(p) \bar{n}(p) d p

consider the effect of changing the volume VV so slowly that the occupation numbers do not change (i.e. particle number NN and entropy SS remain fixed). Show that the momentum varies as dp/dV=p/3Vd p / d V=-p / 3 V and so deduce from the first law expression

(EV)N,S=P\left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial V}\right)_{N, S}=-P

that the pressure is given by

P=13V0pE(p)nˉ(p)dp.P=\frac{1}{3 V} \int_{0}^{\infty} p E^{\prime}(p) \bar{n}(p) d p .

Show that in the non-relativistic limit P=23U/VP=\frac{2}{3} U / V where UU is the internal energy, while for ultrarelativistic particles P=13E/VP=\frac{1}{3} E / V.

(c) Now consider a Fermi gas in the limit T0T \rightarrow 0 with all momentum eigenstates filled up to the Fermi momentum pFp_{\mathrm{F}}. Explain why the number density can be written as

n=4πgsh30pFp2dppF3n=\frac{4 \pi g_{s}}{h^{3}} \int_{0}^{p_{\mathrm{F}}} p^{2} d p \propto p_{\mathrm{F}}^{3}

From similar expressions for the energy, deduce in both the non-relativistic and ultrarelativistic limits that the pressure may be written as

PnγP \propto n^{\gamma}

where γ\gamma should be specified in each case.

(d) Examine the stability of an object of radius RR consisting of such a Fermi degenerate gas by comparing the gravitational binding energy with the total kinetic energy. Briefly point out the relevance of these results to white dwarfs and neutron stars.

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