
Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2004

An incompressible fluid with density ρ\rho and viscosity μ\mu is forced by a pressure difference Δp\Delta p through the narrow gap between two parallel circular cylinders of radius aa with axes 2a+b2 a+b apart. Explaining any approximations made, show that, provided bab \ll a and ρb3Δpμ2a\rho b^{3} \Delta p \ll \mu^{2} a, the volume flux (per unit length of cylinder) is

2b5/2Δp9πa1/2μ\frac{2 b^{5 / 2} \Delta p}{9 \pi a^{1 / 2} \mu}

when the cylinders are stationary.

Show also that when the two cylinders rotate with angular velocities Ω\Omega and Ω-\Omega respectively, the change in the volume flux is

43baΩ.\frac{4}{3} b a \Omega .

For the case Δp=0\Delta p=0, find and sketch the function f(x)=u0(x)/(aΩ)f(x)=u_{0}(x) /(a \Omega), where u0u_{0} is the centreline velocity at position xx along the gap in the direction of flow. Comment on the values taken by ff.

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