
Electrodynamics | Part II, 2004

A particle of rest mass mm and charge qq moves along a path xa(s)x^{a}(s), where ss is the particle's proper time. The equation of motion is

mx¨a=qFabηbcx˙cm \ddot{x}^{a}=q F^{a b} \eta_{b c} \dot{x}^{c}

where x˙a=dxa/ds\dot{x}^{a}=d x^{a} / d s etc., FabF^{a b} is the Maxwell field tensor (F01=Ex,F23=Bx\left(F^{01}=-E_{x}, F^{23}=-B_{x}\right., where ExE_{x} and BxB_{x} are the xx-components of the electric and magnetic fields) and ηbc\eta_{b c} is the Minkowski metric tensor. Show that x˙ax¨a=0\dot{x}_{a} \ddot{x}^{a}=0 and interpret both the equation of motion and this equation in the classical limit.

The electromagnetic field is given in cartesian coordinates by E=(0,E,0)\mathbf{E}=(0, E, 0) and B=(0,0,E)\mathbf{B}=(0,0, E), where EE is constant and uniform. The particle starts from rest at the origin. Show that the orbit is given by

9x2=2αy3,z=09 x^{2}=2 \alpha y^{3}, \quad z=0

where α=qE/m\alpha=q E / m.

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