
Hilbert Spaces | Part II, 2004

Let HH be a Hilbert space. An operator TT in L(H)L(H) is normal if TT=TTT T^{*}=T^{*} T. Suppose that TT is normal and that σ(T)R\sigma(T) \subseteq \mathbb{R}. Let U=(T+iI)(TiI)1U=(T+i I)(T-i I)^{-1}.

(a) Suppose that AA is invertible and AT=TAA T=T A. Show that A1T=TA1A^{-1} T=T A^{-1}.

(b) Show that UU is normal, and that σ(U){λ:λ=1}\sigma(U) \subseteq\{\lambda:|\lambda|=1\}.

(c) Show that U1U^{-1} is normal.

(d) Show that UU is unitary.

(e) Show that TT is Hermitian.

[You may use the fact that, if SS is normal, the spectral radius of SS is equal to S.\|S\| . ]

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