
Number Fields | Part II, 2003

Let K=Q(α)K=\mathbb{Q}(\alpha), where α=103\alpha=\sqrt[3]{10}, and let OK\mathcal{O}_{K} be the ring of algebraic integers of KK. Show that the field polynomial of r+sαr+s \alpha, with rr and ss rational, is (xr)310s3(x-r)^{3}-10 s^{3}.

Let β=13(α2+α+1)\beta=\frac{1}{3}\left(\alpha^{2}+\alpha+1\right). By verifying that β=3/(α1)\beta=3 /(\alpha-1) and determining the field polynomial, or otherwise, show that β\beta is in OK\mathcal{O}_{K}.

By computing the traces of θ,αθ,α2θ\theta, \alpha \theta, \alpha^{2} \theta, show that the elements of OK\mathcal{O}_{K} have the form

θ=13(l+110mα+110nα2)\theta=\frac{1}{3}\left(l+\frac{1}{10} m \alpha+\frac{1}{10} n \alpha^{2}\right)

where l,m,nl, m, n are integers. By further computing the norm of 110α(m+nα)\frac{1}{10} \alpha(m+n \alpha), show that θ\theta can be expressed as 13(u+vα)+wβ\frac{1}{3}(u+v \alpha)+w \beta with u,v,wu, v, w integers. Deduce that 1,α,β1, \alpha, \beta form an integral basis for KK.

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