
Differentiable Manifolds | Part II, 2003

Let MM and NN be smooth manifolds. If π:M×NM\pi: M \times N \rightarrow M is the projection onto the first factor and π\pi^{*} is the map in cohomology induced by the pull-back map on differential forms, show that π(Hk(M))\pi^{*}\left(H^{k}(M)\right) is a direct summand of Hk(M×N)H^{k}(M \times N) for each k0k \geqslant 0.

Taking Hk(M)H^{k}(M) to be zero for k<0k<0 and k>dimMk>\operatorname{dim} M, show that for n1n \geqslant 1 and all kk

Hk(M×Sn)Hk(M)Hkn(M)H^{k}\left(M \times S^{n}\right) \cong H^{k}(M) \oplus H^{k-n}(M)

[You might like to use induction in n.]

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