A4.17 B4.25

General Relativity | Part II, 2003

What are "inertial coordinates" and what is their physical significance? [A proof of the existence of inertial coordinates is not required.] Let OO be the origin of inertial coordinates and let RabcdO\left.R_{a b c d}\right|_{O} be the curvature tensor at OO (with all indices lowered). Show that RabcdO\left.R_{a b c d}\right|_{O} can be expressed entirely in terms of second partial derivatives of the metric gabg_{a b}, evaluated at OO. Use this expression to deduce that (a) Rabcd=RbacdR_{a b c d}=-R_{b a c d} (b) Rabcd=RcdabR_{a b c d}=R_{c d a b} (c) Ra[bcd]=0R_{a[b c d]}=0.

Starting from the expression for RbcdaR_{b c d}^{a} in terms of the Christoffel symbols, show (again by using inertial coordinates) that

Rab[cd;e]=0R_{a b[c d ; e]}=0

Obtain the contracted Bianchi identities and explain why the Einstein equations take the form

Rab12Rgab=8πTabΛgab,R_{a b}-\frac{1}{2} R g_{a b}=8 \pi T_{a b}-\Lambda g_{a b},

where TabT_{a b} is the energy-momentum tensor of the matter and Λ\Lambda is an arbitrary constant.

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