A2.15 B2.23

General Relativity | Part II, 2003

(i) What is a "stationary" metric? What distinguishes a stationary metric from a "static" metric?

A Killing vector field KaK^{a} of a metric gabg_{a b} satisfies

Ka;b+Kb;a=0K_{a ; b}+K_{b ; a}=0

Show that this is equivalent to

gab,cKc+gacK,bc+gcbK,ac=0g_{a b, c} K^{c}+g_{a c} K_{, b}^{c}+g_{c b} K_{, a}^{c}=0

Hence show that a constant vector field KaK^{a} with one non-zero component, K4K^{4} say, is a Killing vector field if gabg_{a b} is independent of x4x^{4}.

(ii) Given that KaK^{a} is a Killing vector field, show that KauaK_{a} u^{a} is constant along the geodesic worldline of a massive particle with 4-velocity uau^{a}. Hence find the energy ε\varepsilon of a particle of unit mass moving in a static spacetime with metric

ds2=hijdxidxje2Udt2d s^{2}=h_{i j} d x^{i} d x^{j}-e^{2 U} d t^{2}

where hijh_{i j} and UU are functions only of the space coordinates xix^{i}. By considering a particle with speed small compared with that of light, and given that U1U \ll 1, show that hij=δijh_{i j}=\delta_{i j} to lowest order in the Newtonian approximation, and that UU is the Newtonian potential.

A metric admits an antisymmetric tensor YabY_{a b} satisfying

Yab;c+Yac;b=0Y_{a b ; c}+Y_{a c ; b}=0

Given a geodesic xa(λ)x^{a}(\lambda), let sa=Yabx˙bs_{a}=Y_{a b} \dot{x}^{b}. Show that sas_{a} is parallelly propagated along the geodesic, and that it is orthogonal to the tangent vector of the geodesic. Hence show that the scalar

ϕ=sasa\phi=s^{a} s_{a}

is constant along the geodesic.

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