A1.15 B1.24

General Relativity | Part II, 2003

(i) The worldline xa(λ)x^{a}(\lambda) of a massive particle moving in a spacetime with metric gabg_{a b} obeys the geodesic equation

d2xadτ2+Γbcadxbdτdxcdτ=0\frac{d^{2} x^{a}}{d \tau^{2}}+\Gamma^a_{bc} \frac{d x^{b}}{d \tau} \frac{d x^{c}}{d \tau}=0

where τ\tau is the particle's proper time and Γbca\Gamma^a_{bc} are the Christoffel symbols; these are the equations of motion for the Lagrangian

L1=mgabx˙ax˙bL_{1}=-m \sqrt{-g_{a b} \dot{x}^{a} \dot{x}^{b}}

where mm is the particle's mass, and x˙a=dxa/dλ\dot{x}^{a}=d x^{a} / d \lambda. Why is the choice of worldline parameter λ\lambda irrelevant? Among all possible worldlines passing through points AA and BB, why is xa(λ)x^{a}(\lambda) the one that extremizes the proper time elapsed between AA and BB ?

Explain how the equations of motion for a massive particle may be obtained from the alternative Lagrangian

L2=12gabx˙ax˙b.L_{2}=\frac{1}{2} g_{a b} \dot{x}^{a} \dot{x}^{b} .

What can you conclude from the fact that L2L_{2} has no explicit dependence on λ\lambda ? How are the equations of motion for a massless particle obtained from L2L_{2} ?

(ii) A photon moves in the Schwarzschild metric

ds2=(12Mr)1dr2+r2(dθ2+sin2θdϕ2)(12Mr)dt2d s^{2}=\left(1-\frac{2 M}{r}\right)^{-1} d r^{2}+r^{2}\left(d \theta^{2}+\sin ^{2} \theta d \phi^{2}\right)-\left(1-\frac{2 M}{r}\right) d t^{2}

Given that the motion is confined to the plane θ=π/2\theta=\pi / 2, obtain the radial equation

(drdλ)2=E2h2r2(12Mr)\left(\frac{d r}{d \lambda}\right)^{2}=E^{2}-\frac{h^{2}}{r^{2}}\left(1-\frac{2 M}{r}\right)

where EE and hh are constants, the physical meaning of which should be stated.

Setting u=1/ru=1 / r, obtain the equation

d2udϕ2+u=3Mu2\frac{d^{2} u}{d \phi^{2}}+u=3 M u^{2}

Using the approximate solution

u=1bsinϕ+M2b2(3+cos2ϕ)+u=\frac{1}{b} \sin \phi+\frac{M}{2 b^{2}}(3+\cos 2 \phi)+\ldots

obtain the standard formula for the deflection of light passing far from a body of mass MM with impact parameter bb. Reinstate factors of GG and cc to give your result in physical units.

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