A3.11 B3.16

Stochastic Financial Models | Part II, 2003

(i) What does it mean to say that the process (Wt)t0\left(W_{t}\right)_{t \geqslant 0} is a Brownian motion? What does it mean to say that the process (Mt)t0\left(M_{t}\right)_{t \geqslant 0} is a martingale?

Suppose that (Wt)t0\left(W_{t}\right)_{t \geqslant 0} is a Brownian motion and the process (Xt)t0\left(X_{t}\right)_{t \geqslant 0} is given in terms of WW as

Xt=x0+σWt+μtX_{t}=x_{0}+\sigma W_{t}+\mu t

for constants σ,μ\sigma, \mu. For what values of θ\theta is the process

Mt=exp(θXtλt)M_{t}=\exp \left(\theta X_{t}-\lambda t\right)

a martingale? (Here, λ\lambda is a positive constant.)

(ii) In a standard Black-Scholes model, the price at time tt of a share is represented as St=exp(Xt)S_{t}=\exp \left(X_{t}\right). You hold a perpetual American put option on this share, with strike KK; you may exercise at any stopping time τ\tau, and upon exercise you receive max{0,KSτ}\max \left\{0, K-S_{\tau}\right\}. Let 0<a<logK0<a<\log K. Suppose you plan to use the exercise policy: 'Exercise as soon as the price falls to eae^{a} or lower.' Calculate what the option would be worth if you were to follow this policy. (Assume that the riskless rate of interest is constant and equal to r>0r>0.) For what choice of aa is this value maximised?

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