A2.11 B2.16

Principles of Statistics | Part II, 2003

(i) Outline briefly the Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing based on Bayes factors.

(ii) Let Y1,Y2Y_{1}, Y_{2} be independent random variables, both uniformly distributed on (θ12,θ+12)\left(\theta-\frac{1}{2}, \theta+\frac{1}{2}\right). Find a minimal sufficient statistic for θ\theta. Let Y(1)=min{Y1,Y2}Y_{(1)}=\min \left\{Y_{1}, Y_{2}\right\}, Y(2)=max{Y1,Y2}Y_{(2)}=\max \left\{Y_{1}, Y_{2}\right\}. Show that R=Y(2)Y(1)R=Y_{(2)}-Y_{(1)} is ancilliary and explain why the Conditionality Principle would lead to inference about θ\theta being drawn from the conditional distribution of 12{Y(1)+Y(2)}\frac{1}{2}\left\{Y_{(1)}+Y_{(2)}\right\} given RR. Find the form of this conditional distribution.

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