
Dynamics of Differential Equations | Part II, 2003

Explain what is meant by a steady-state bifurcation of a fixed point x0(μ)\mathbf{x}_{0}(\mu) of an ODE x˙=f(x,μ)\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}, \mu), in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}, where μ\mu is a real parameter. Give examples for n=1n=1 of equations exhibiting saddle-node, transcritical and pitchfork bifurcations.

Consider the system in R2\mathbb{R}^{2}, with μ>0\mu>0,

x˙=x(1y4x2),y˙=y(μyx2).\dot{x}=x\left(1-y-4 x^{2}\right), \quad \dot{y}=y\left(\mu-y-x^{2}\right) .

Show that the fixed point (0,μ)(0, \mu) has a bifurcation when μ=1\mu=1, while the fixed points (±12,0)\left(\pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right) have a bifurcation when μ=14\mu=\frac{1}{4}. By finding the first approximation to the extended centre manifold, construct the normal form at the bifurcation point in each case, and determine the respective bifurcation types. Deduce that for μ\mu just greater than 14\frac{1}{4}, and for μ\mu just less than 1 , there is a stable pair of "mixed-mode" solutions with x2>0,y>0x^{2}>0, y>0.

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