A2.6 B2.4

Dynamics of Differential Equations | Part II, 2003

(i) What is a Liapunov function?

Consider the second order ODE

x˙=y,y˙=ysin3x\dot{x}=y, \quad \dot{y}=-y-\sin ^{3} x

By finding a suitable Liapunov function of the form V(x,y)=f(x)+g(y)V(x, y)=f(x)+g(y), where ff and gg are to be determined, show that the origin is asymptotically stable. Using your form of VV, find the greatest value of y0y_{0} such that a trajectory through (0,y0)\left(0, y_{0}\right) is guaranteed to tend to the origin as tt \rightarrow \infty.

[Any theorems you use need not be proved but should be clearly stated.]

(ii) Explain the use of the stroboscopic method for investigating the dynamics of equations of the form x¨+x=ϵf(x,x˙,t)\ddot{x}+x=\epsilon f(x, \dot{x}, t), when ϵ1|\epsilon| \ll 1. In particular, for x=Rcos(t+θ)x=R \cos (t+\theta), x˙=Rsin(t+θ)\dot{x}=-R \sin (t+\theta) derive the equations, correct to order ϵ\epsilon,

R˙=ϵfsin(t+θ),Rθ˙=ϵfcos(t+θ)\dot{R}=-\epsilon\langle f \sin (t+\theta)\rangle, \quad R \dot{\theta}=-\epsilon\langle f \cos (t+\theta)\rangle

where the brackets denote an average over the period of the unperturbed oscillator.

Find the form of the right hand sides of these equations explicitly when f=f= Γx2cost3qx\Gamma x^{2} \cos t-3 q x, where Γ>0,q0\Gamma>0, q \neq 0. Show that apart from the origin there is another fixed point of ()(*), and determine its stability. Sketch the trajectories in (R,θ)(R, \theta) space in the case q>0q>0. What do you deduce about the dynamics of the full equation?

[You may assume that cos2t=12,cos4t=38,cos2tsin2t=18\left\langle\cos ^{2} t\right\rangle=\frac{1}{2},\left\langle\cos ^{4} t\right\rangle=\frac{3}{8},\left\langle\cos ^{2} t \sin ^{2} t\right\rangle=\frac{1}{8}.]

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