
Transport Processes | Part II, 2003

(i) When a solid crystal grows into a supercooled infinite melt, latent heat must be removed from the interface by diffusion into the melt. Write down the equation and boundary conditions satisfied by the temperature θ(x,t)\theta(\boldsymbol{x}, t) in the melt, where x\boldsymbol{x} is position and tt time, in terms of the following material properties: solid density ρs\rho_{s}, specific heat capacity CpC_{p}, coefficient of latent heat per unit mass LL, thermal conductivity kk, melting temperature θm\theta_{m}. You may assume that the densities of the melt and the solid are the same and that temperature in the melt far from the interface is θmΔθ\theta_{m}-\Delta \theta, where Δθ\Delta \theta is a positive constant.

A spherical crystal of radius a(t)a(t) grows into such a melt with a(0)=0a(0)=0. Use dimensional analysis to show that a(t)a(t) is proportional to t1/2t^{1 / 2}.

(ii) Show that the above problem should have a similarity solution of the form

θ=θmΔθ(1F(ξ))\theta=\theta_{m}-\Delta \theta(1-F(\xi))

where ξ=r(κt)1/2,r\xi=r(\kappa t)^{-1 / 2}, r is the radial coordinate in spherical polars and κ=k/ρsCp\kappa=k / \rho_{s} C_{p} is the thermal diffusivity. Recalling that, for spherically symmetric θ,2θ=1r2(r2θr)r\theta, \nabla^{2} \theta=\frac{1}{r^{2}}\left(r^{2} \theta_{r}\right)_{r}, write down the equation and boundary conditions to be satisfied by F(ξ)F(\xi). Hence show that the radius of the crystal is given by a(t)=λ(κt)1/2a(t)=\lambda(\kappa t)^{1 / 2}, where λ\lambda satisfies the equation

λe14u2u2du=2Sλ3e14λ2\int_{\lambda}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{4} u^{2}}}{u^{2}} d u=\frac{2}{S \lambda^{3}} e^{-\frac{1}{4} \lambda^{2}}

and S=L/CpΔθS=L / C_{p} \Delta \theta.

Integrate the left hand side of this equation by parts, to give

π2λe14λ2erfc(12λ)=12Sλ2.\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} \lambda e^{\frac{1}{4} \lambda^{2}} \operatorname{erfc}\left(\frac{1}{2} \lambda\right)=1-\frac{2}{S \lambda^{2}} .

Hence show that a solution with λ\lambda small must have λ(2/S)12\lambda \approx(2 / S)^{\frac{1}{2}}, which is self-consistent if SS is large.

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