
Statistical Physics and Cosmology | Part II, 2003

Let g(p)g(p) be the density of states of a particle in volume VV as a function of the magnitude pp of the particle's momentum. Explain why g(p)Vp2/h3g(p) \propto V p^{2} / h^{3}, where hh is Planck's constant. Write down the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions for the (average) number nˉ(p)\bar{n}(p) of particles of an ideal gas with momentum pp. Hence write down integrals for the (average) total number NN of particles and the (average) total energy EE as functions of temperature TT and chemical potential μ\mu. Why do NN and EE also depend on the volume V?V ?

Electromagnetic radiation in thermal equilibrium can be regarded as a gas of photons. Why are photons "ultra-relativistic" and how is photon momentum pp related to the frequency ν\nu of the radiation? Why does a photon gas have zero chemical potential? Use your formula for nˉ(p)\bar{n}(p) to express the energy density εγ\varepsilon_{\gamma} of electromagnetic radiation in the form

εγ=0ϵ(ν)dν\varepsilon_{\gamma}=\int_{0}^{\infty} \epsilon(\nu) d \nu

where ϵ(ν)\epsilon(\nu) is a function of ν\nu that you should determine up to a dimensionless multiplicative constant. Show that ϵ(ν)\epsilon(\nu) is independent of hh when kThνk T \gg h \nu, where kk is Boltzmann's constant. Let νpeak \nu_{\text {peak }} be the value of ν\nu at the maximum of the function ϵ(ν)\epsilon(\nu); how does νpeak \nu_{\text {peak }} depend on TT ?

Let nγn_{\gamma} be the photon number density at temperature TT. Show that nγTqn_{\gamma} \propto T^{q} for some power qq, which you should determine. Why is nγn_{\gamma} unchanged as the volume VV is increased quasi-statically? How does TT depend on VV under these circumstances? Applying your result to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), deduce how the temperature TγT_{\gamma} of the CMBR depends on the scale factor aa of the Universe. At a time when Tγ3000KT_{\gamma} \sim 3000 K, the Universe underwent a transition from an earlier time at which it was opaque to a later time at which it was transparent. Explain briefly the reason for this transition and its relevance to the CMBR.

An ideal gas of fermions ff of mass mm is in equilibrium at temperature TT and chemical potential μf\mu_{f} with a gas of its own anti-particles fˉ\bar{f} and photons (γ)(\gamma). Assuming that chemical equilibrium is maintained by the reaction

f+fˉγf+\bar{f} \leftrightarrow \gamma

determine the chemical potential μfˉ\mu_{\bar{f}} of the antiparticles. Let nfn_{f} and nfˉn_{\bar{f}} be the number densities of ff and fˉ\bar{f}, respectively. What will their values be for kTmc2k T \ll m c^{2} if μf=0\mu_{f}=0 ? Given that μf>0\mu_{f}>0, but μfkT\mu_{f} \ll k T, show that

nfn0(T)[1+μfkTF(mc2/kT)]n_{f} \approx n_{0}(T)\left[1+\frac{\mu_{f}}{k T} F\left(m c^{2} / k T\right)\right]

where n0(T)n_{0}(T) is the fermion number density at zero chemical potential and FF is a positive function of the dimensionless ratio mc2/kTm c^{2} / k T. What is FF when kTmc2k T \ll m c^{2} ?

Given that μfkT\mu_{f} \ll k T, obtain an expression for the ratio (nfnfˉ)/n0\left(n_{f}-n_{\bar{f}}\right) / n_{0} in terms of μ,T\mu, T and the function FF. Supposing that ff is either a proton or neutron, why should you expect the ratio (nfnfˉ)/nγ\left(n_{f}-n_{\bar{f}}\right) / n_{\gamma} to remain constant as the Universe expands?

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