
Statistical Physics and Cosmology | Part II, 2003

(i) The pressure P(r)P(r) and mass density ρ(r)\rho(r), at distance rr from the centre of a spherically-symmetric star, obey the pressure-support equation

P=Gmρr2P^{\prime}=-\frac{G m \rho}{r^{2}}

where m=4πr2ρ(r)m^{\prime}=4 \pi r^{2} \rho(r), and the prime indicates differentiation with respect to rr. Let VV be the total volume of the star, and P\langle P\rangle its average pressure. Use the pressure-support equation to derive the "virial theorem"

PV=13Egrav\langle P\rangle V=-\frac{1}{3} E_{g r a v}

where EgravE_{g r a v} is the total gravitational potential energy [Hint: multiply by 4πr34 \pi r^{3} ]. If a star is assumed to be a self-gravitating ball of a non-relativistic ideal gas then it can be shown that

PV=23Ekin\langle P\rangle V=\frac{2}{3} E_{k i n}

where EkinE_{k i n} is the total kinetic energy. Use this result to show that the total energy U=Egrav +EkinU=E_{\text {grav }}+E_{k i n} is negative. When nuclear reactions have converted the hydrogen in a star's core to helium the core contracts until the helium is converted to heavier elements, thereby increasing the total energy UU of the star. Explain briefly why this converts the star into a "Red Giant". (ii) Write down the first law of thermodynamics for the change in energy EE of a system at temperature TT, pressure PP and chemical potential μ\mu as a result of small changes in the entropy SS, volume VV and particle number NN. Use this to show that

P=(EV)N,SP=-\left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial V}\right)_{N, S}

The microcanonical ensemble is the set of all accessible microstates of a system at fixed E,V,NE, V, N. Define the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles. Why are the properties of a macroscopic system independent of the choice of thermodynamic ensemble?

The Gibbs "grand potential" G(T,V,μ)\mathcal{G}(T, V, \mu) can be defined as

G=ETSμN\mathcal{G}=E-T S-\mu N

Use the first law to find expressions for S,P,NS, P, N as partial derivatives of G\mathcal{G}. A system with variable particle number nn has non-degenerate energy eigenstates labeled by r(n)r^{(n)}, for each nn, with energy eigenvalues Er(n)E_{r}^{(n)}. If the system is in equilibrium at temperature TT and chemical potential μ\mu then the probability p(r(n))p\left(r^{(n)}\right) that it will be found in a particular nn-particle state r(n)r^{(n)} is given by the Gibbs probability distribution

p(r(n))=Z1e(μnEr(n))/kTp\left(r^{(n)}\right)=\mathcal{Z}^{-1} e^{\left(\mu n-E_{r}^{(n)}\right) / k T}

where kk is Boltzmann's constant. Deduce an expression for the normalization factor Z\mathcal{Z} as a function of μ\mu and β=1/kT\beta=1 / k T, and hence find expressions for the partial derivatives

logZμ,logZβ\frac{\partial \log \mathcal{Z}}{\partial \mu}, \quad \frac{\partial \log \mathcal{Z}}{\partial \beta}

in terms of N,E,μ,βN, E, \mu, \beta.

Why does Z\mathcal{Z} also depend on the volume VV ? Given that a change in VV at fixed N,SN, S leaves unchanged the Gibbs probability distribution, deduce that

(logZV)μ,β=βP\left(\frac{\partial \log \mathcal{Z}}{\partial V}\right)_{\mu, \beta}=\beta P

Use your results to show that

G=kTlog(Z/Z0)\mathcal{G}=-k T \log \left(\mathcal{Z} / \mathcal{Z}_{0}\right)

for some constant Z0\mathcal{Z}_{0}.

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