
Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2003

Show that the complex potential in the complex ζ\zeta plane,

w=(UiV)ζ+(U+iV)c2ζiκ2πlogζw=(U-i V) \zeta+(U+i V) \frac{c^{2}}{\zeta}-\frac{i \kappa}{2 \pi} \log \zeta

describes irrotational, inviscid flow past the rigid cylinder ζ=c|\zeta|=c, placed in a uniform flow (U,V)(U, V) with circulation κ\kappa.

Show that the transformation


maps the circle ζ=c|\zeta|=c in the ζ\zeta plane onto the flat plate airfoil 2c<x<2c,y=0-2 c<x<2 c, y=0 in the zz plane (z=x+iy)(z=x+i y). Hence, write down an expression for the complex potential, wpw_{p}, of uniform flow past the flat plate, with circulation κ\kappa. Indicate very briefly how the value of κ\kappa might be chosen to yield a physical solution.

Calculate the turning moment, MM, exerted on the flat plate by the flow.

(You are given that

M=12ρRe{[(dwdζ)2dzdζ]z(ζ)dζ}M=-\frac{1}{2} \rho \operatorname{Re}\left\{\oint\left[\frac{\left(\frac{d w}{d \zeta}\right)^{2}}{\frac{d z}{d \zeta}}\right] z(\zeta) d \zeta\right\} \text {, }

where ρ\rho is the fluid density and the integral is to be completed around a contour enclosing the circle ζ=c|\zeta|=c ).

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