B2 24

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2003

A plate is drawn vertically out of a bath and the resultant liquid drains off the plate as a thin film. Using lubrication theory, show that the governing equation for the thickness of the film, h(x,t)h(x, t) is

ht+(gh2ν)hx=0\frac{\partial h}{\partial t}+\left(\frac{g h^{2}}{\nu}\right) \frac{\partial h}{\partial x}=0

where tt is time and xx is the distance down the plate measured from the top.

Verify that

h(x,t)=F(xgh2νt)h(x, t)=F\left(x-\frac{g h^{2}}{\nu} t\right)

satisfies ()(*) and identify the function F(x)F(x). Using this relationship or otherwise, determine an explicit expression for the thickness of the film assuming that it was initially of uniform thickness h0h_{0}.

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