
Hilbert Spaces | Part II, 2003

Let HH be a Hilbert space and let TB(H)T \in \mathcal{B}(H).

(a) Define what it means for TT to be (i) invertible, and (ii) bounded below. Prove that TT is invertible if and only if both TT and TT^{*} are bounded below.

(b) Define what it means for TT to be normal. Prove that TT is normal if and only if Tx=Tx\|T x\|=\left\|T^{*} x\right\| for all xHx \in H. Deduce that, if TT is normal, then every point of Sp TT is an approximate eigenvalue of TT.

(c) Let SB(H)S \in \mathcal{B}(H) be a self-adjoint operator, and let (xn)\left(x_{n}\right) be a sequence in HH such that xn=1\left\|x_{n}\right\|=1 for all nn and SxnS\left\|S x_{n}\right\| \rightarrow\|S\| as nn \rightarrow \infty. Show, by direct calculation, that

(S2S2)xn20 as n\left\|\left(S^{2}-\|S\|^{2}\right) x_{n}\right\|^{2} \rightarrow 0 \quad \text { as } n \rightarrow \infty

and deduce that at least one of ±S\pm\|S\| is an approximate eigenvalue of SS.

(d) Deduce that, with SS as in (c),

r(S)=S=sup{Sx,x:xH,x=1}r(S)=\|S\|=\sup \{|\langle S x, x\rangle|: x \in H,\|x\|=1\}

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