
Dynamics of Differential Equations | Part II, 2002

Define the terms homoclinic orbit, heteroclinic orbit and heteroclinic loop. In the case of a dynamical system that possesses a homoclinic orbit, explain, without detailed calculation, how to calculate its stability.

A second order dynamical system depends on two parameters μ1\mu_{1} and μ2\mu_{2}. When μ1=μ2=0\mu_{1}=\mu_{2}=0 there is a heteroclinic loop between the points P1,P2P_{1}, P_{2} as in the diagram.

When μ1,μ2\mu_{1}, \mu_{2} are small there are trajectories that pass close to the fixed points P1,P2P_{1}, P_{2} :

By adapting the method used above for trajectories near homoclinic orbits, show that the distances yn,yn+1y_{n}, y_{n+1} to the stable manifold at P1P_{1} on successive returns are related to znz_{n}, zn+1z_{n+1}, the corresponding distances near P2P_{2}, by coupled equations of the form

zn=(yn)γ1+μ1,yn+1=(zn)γ2+μ2,}\left.\begin{array}{rl} z_{n} & =\left(y_{n}\right)^{\gamma_{1}}+\mu_{1}, \\ y_{n+1} & =\left(z_{n}\right)^{\gamma_{2}}+\mu_{2}, \end{array}\right\}

where any arbitrary constants have been removed by rescaling, and γ1,γ2\gamma_{1}, \gamma_{2} depend on conditions near P1,P2P_{1}, P_{2}. Show from these equations that there is a stable heteroclinic orbit (μ1=μ2=0)\left(\mu_{1}=\mu_{2}=0\right) if γ1γ2>1\gamma_{1} \gamma_{2}>1. Show also that in the marginal situation γ1=2,γ2=12\gamma_{1}=2, \gamma_{2}=\frac{1}{2} there can be a stable fixed point for small positive y,zy, z if μ2<0,μ22<μ1\mu_{2}<0, \mu_{2}^{2}<\mu_{1}. Explain carefully the form of the orbit of the original dynamical system represented by the solution of the above map when μ22=μ1\mu_{2}^{2}=\mu_{1}.

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