A3.6 B3.4

Dynamics of Differential Equations | Part II, 2002

(i) Define the Floquet multiplier and Liapunov exponent for a periodic orbit x^(t)\hat{\mathbf{x}}(t) of a dynamical system x˙=f(x)\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}) in R2\mathbb{R}^{2}. Show that one multiplier is always unity, and that the other is given by

exp(0Tf(x^(t))dt)\exp \left(\int_{0}^{T} \nabla \cdot \mathbf{f}(\hat{\mathbf{x}}(t)) d t\right)

where TT is the period of the orbit.

The Van der Pol oscillator x¨+ϵx˙(x21)+x=0,0<ϵ1\ddot{x}+\epsilon \dot{x}\left(x^{2}-1\right)+x=0,0<\epsilon \ll 1 has a limit cycle x^(t)2sint\hat{x}(t) \approx 2 \sin t. Show using ()(*) that this orbit is stable.

(ii) Show, by considering the normal form for a Hopf bifurcation from a fixed point x0(μ)\mathbf{x}_{0}(\mu) of a dynamical system x˙=f(x,μ)\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}, \mu), that in some neighbourhood of the bifurcation the periodic orbit is stable when it exists in the range of μ\mu for which x0\mathbf{x}_{0} is unstable, and unstable in the opposite case.

Now consider the system

x˙=x(1y)+μxy˙=y(x1)μx}x>0\left.\begin{array}{l} \dot{x}=x(1-y)+\mu x \\ \dot{y}=y(x-1)-\mu x \end{array}\right\} \quad x>0

Show that the fixed point (1+μ,1+μ)(1+\mu, 1+\mu) has a Hopf bifurcation when μ=0\mu=0, and is unstable (stable) when μ>0(μ<0)\mu>0(\mu<0).

Suppose that a periodic orbit exists in μ>0\mu>0. Show without solving for the orbit that the result of part (i) shows that such an orbit is unstable. Define a similar result for μ<0\mu<0.

What do you conclude about the existence of periodic orbits when μ0\mu \neq 0 ? Check your answer by applying Dulac's criterion to the system, using the weighting ρ=e(x+y)\rho=e^{-(x+y)}.

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