A3.3 B3.2

Functional Analysis | Part II, 2002

(i) Suppose that (fn)\left(f_{n}\right) is a decreasing sequence of continuous real-valued functions on a compact metric space (X,d)(X, d) which converges pointwise to 0 . By considering sets of the form Bn={x:fn(x)<ϵ}B_{n}=\left\{x: f_{n}(x)<\epsilon\right\}, for ϵ>0\epsilon>0, or otherwise, show that fnf_{n} converges uniformly to 0 .

Can the condition that (fn)\left(f_{n}\right) is decreasing be dropped? Can the condition that (X,d)(X, d) is compact be dropped? Justify your answers.

(ii) Suppose that kk is a positive integer. Define polynomials pnp_{n} recursively by

p0=0,pn+1(t)=pn(t)+(tpnk(t))/kp_{0}=0, \quad p_{n+1}(t)=p_{n}(t)+\left(t-p_{n}^{k}(t)\right) / k

Show that 0pn(t)pn+1(t)t1/k0 \leqslant p_{n}(t) \leqslant p_{n+1}(t) \leqslant t^{1 / k}, for t[0,1]t \in[0,1], and show that pn(t)p_{n}(t) converges to t1/kt^{1 / k} uniformly on [0,1][0,1].

[You may wish to use the identity akbk=(ab)(ak1+ak2b++bk1)a^{k}-b^{k}=(a-b)\left(a^{k-1}+a^{k-2} b+\ldots+b^{k-1}\right).]

Suppose that AA is a closed subalgebra of the algebra C(X)C(X) of continuous real-valued functions on a compact metric space (X,d)(X, d), equipped with the uniform norm, and suppose that AA has the property that for each xXx \in X there exists aAa \in A with a(x)0a(x) \neq 0. Show that there exists hAh \in A such that 0<h(x)10<h(x) \leqslant 1 for all xXx \in X.

Show that h1/kAh^{1 / k} \in A for each positive integer kk, and show that AA contains the constant functions.

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