
Transport Processes | Part II, 2002

(a) A biological vessel is modelled two-dimensionally as a fluid-filled channel bounded by parallel plane walls y=±ay=\pm a, embedded in an infinite region of fluid-saturated tissue. In the tissue a solute has concentration Cout(y,t)C^{o u t}(y, t), diffuses with diffusivity DD and is consumed by biological activity at a rate kCoutk C^{o u t} per unit volume, where DD and kk are constants. By considering the solute balance in a slice of tissue of infinitesimal thickness, show that

Ctout=DCyyoutkCout .C_{t}^{o u t}=D C_{y y}^{o u t}-k C^{\text {out }} .

A steady concentration profile Cout(y)C^{o u t}(y) results from a flux β(CinCaout)\beta\left(C^{i n}-C_{a}^{o u t}\right), per unit area of wall, of solute from the channel into the tissue, where CinC^{i n} is a constant concentration of solute that is maintained in the channel and Caout =Cout (a)C_{a}^{\text {out }}=C^{\text {out }}(a). Write down the boundary conditions satisfied by Cout (y)C^{\text {out }}(y). Solve for Cout (y)C^{\text {out }}(y) and show that

Caout=γγ+1CinC_{a}^{o u t}=\frac{\gamma}{\gamma+1} C^{i n}

where γ=β/kD\gamma=\beta / \sqrt{k D}.

(b) Now let the solute be supplied by steady flow down the channel from one end, x=0x=0, with the channel taken to be semi-infinite in the xx-direction. The cross-sectionally averaged velocity in the channel u(x)u(x) varies due to a flux of fluid from the tissue to the channel (by osmosis) equal to λ(CinCaout )\lambda\left(C^{i n}-C_{a}^{\text {out }}\right) per unit area. Neglect both the variation of Cin(x)C^{i n}(x) across the channel and diffusion in the xx-direction.

By considering conservation of fluid, show that

aux=λ(CinCaout)a u_{x}=\lambda\left(C^{i n}-C_{a}^{o u t}\right)

and write down the corresponding equation derived from conservation of solute. Deduce that

u(λCin+β)=u0(λC0in+β),u\left(\lambda C^{i n}+\beta\right)=u_{0}\left(\lambda C_{0}^{i n}+\beta\right),

where u0=u(0)u_{0}=u(0) and C0in=Cin(0)C_{0}^{i n}=C^{i n}(0).

Assuming that equation ()(*) still holds, even though Cout C^{\text {out }}is now a function of xx as well as yy, show that u(x)u(x) satisfies the ordinary differential equation

(γ+1)auux+βu=u0(λC0in+β)(\gamma+1) a u u_{x}+\beta u=u_{0}\left(\lambda C_{0}^{i n}+\beta\right)

Find scales x^\hat{x} and u^\hat{u} such that the dimensionless variables U=u/u^U=u / \hat{u} and X=x/x^X=x / \hat{x} satisfy

UUX+U=1U U_{X}+U=1

Derive the solution (1U)eU=AeX(1-U) e^{U}=A e^{-X} and find the constant AA.

To what values do uu and CinC_{i n} tend as xx \rightarrow \infty ?

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