
Transport Processes | Part II, 2002

(i) Material of thermal diffusivity DD occupies the semi-infinite region x>0x>0 and is initially at uniform temperature T0T_{0}. For time t>0t>0 the temperature at x=0x=0 is held at a constant value T1>T0T_{1}>T_{0}. Given that the temperature T(x,t)T(x, t) in x>0x>0 satisfies the diffusion equation Tt=DTxxT_{t}=D T_{x x}, write down the equation and the boundary and initial conditions satisfied by the dimensionless temperature θ=(TT0)/(T1T0)\theta=\left(T-T_{0}\right) /\left(T_{1}-T_{0}\right).

Use dimensional analysis to show that the lengthscale of the region in which TT is significantly different from T0T_{0} is proportional to (Dt)1/2(D t)^{1 / 2}. Hence show that this problem has a similarity solution

θ=erfc(ξ/2)2πξ/2eu2du\theta=\operatorname{erfc}(\xi / 2) \equiv \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{\xi / 2}^{\infty} e^{-u^{2}} d u

where ξ=x/(Dt)1/2\xi=x /(D t)^{1 / 2}.

What is the rate of heat input, DTx-D T_{x}, across the plane x=0?x=0 ?

(ii) Consider the same problem as in Part (i) except that the boundary condition at x=0x=0 is replaced by one of constant rate of heat input QQ. Show that θ(ξ,t)\theta(\xi, t) satisfies the partial differential equation

θξξ+ξ2θξ=tθt\theta_{\xi \xi}+\frac{\xi}{2} \theta_{\xi}=t \theta_{t}

and write down the boundary conditions on θ(ξ,t)\theta(\xi, t). Deduce that the problem has a similarity solution of the form

θ=Q(t/D)1/2T1T0f(ξ)\theta=\frac{Q(t / D)^{1 / 2}}{T_{1}-T_{0}} f(\xi)

Derive the ordinary differential equation and boundary conditions satisfied by f(ξ)f(\xi).

Differentiate this equation once to obtain

f+ξ2f=0f^{\prime \prime \prime}+\frac{\xi}{2} f^{\prime \prime}=0

and solve for f(ξ)f^{\prime}(\xi). Hence show that

f(ξ)=2πeξ2/4ξerfc(ξ/2)f(\xi)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} e^{-\xi^{2} / 4}-\xi \operatorname{erfc}(\xi / 2)

Sketch the temperature distribution T(x,t)T(x, t) for various times tt, and calculate T(0,t)T(0, t) explicitly.

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