
Quantum Physics | Part II, 2002

Explain how the energy band structure for electrons determines the conductivity properties of crystalline materials.

A semiconductor has a conduction band with a lower edge EcE_{c} and a valence band with an upper edge EvE_{v}. Assuming that the density of states for electrons in the conduction band is

ρc(E)=Bc(EEc)12,E>Ec\rho_{c}(E)=B_{c}\left(E-E_{c}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}, \quad E>E_{c}

and in the valence band is

ρv(E)=Bv(EvE)12,E<Ev\rho_{v}(E)=B_{v}\left(E_{v}-E\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}, \quad E<E_{v}

where BcB_{c} and BvB_{v} are constants characteristic of the semiconductor, explain why at low temperatures the chemical potential for electrons lies close to the mid-point of the gap between the two bands.

Describe what is meant by the doping of a semiconductor and explain the distinction between nn-type and pp-type semiconductors, and discuss the low temperature limit of the chemical potential in both cases. Show that, whatever the degree and type of doping,

nenp=BcBv[Γ(3/2)]2(kT)3e(EcEv)/kTn_{e} n_{p}=B_{c} B_{v}[\Gamma(3 / 2)]^{2}(k T)^{3} e^{-\left(E_{c}-E_{v}\right) / k T}

where nen_{e} is the density of electrons in the conduction band and npn_{p} is the density of holes in the valence band.

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