
Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2002

Explain the variational method for computing the ground state energy for a quantum Hamiltonian.

For the one-dimensional Hamiltonian

H=12p2+λx4,H=\frac{1}{2} p^{2}+\lambda x^{4},

obtain an approximate form for the ground state energy by considering as a trial state the state w|w\rangle defined by aw=0a|w\rangle=0, where ww=1\langle w \mid w\rangle=1 and a=(w/2)12(x+ip/w)a=(w / 2 \hbar)^{\frac{1}{2}}(x+i p / w).

[It is useful to note that w(a+a)4w=w(a2a2+aaaa)w\left\langle w\left|\left(a+a^{\dagger}\right)^{4}\right| w\right\rangle=\left\langle w\left|\left(a^{2} a^{\dagger 2}+a a^{\dagger} a a^{\dagger}\right)\right| w\right\rangle.]

Explain why the states awa^{\dagger}|w\rangle may be used as trial states for calculating the first excited energy level.

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