
Electrodynamics | Part II, 2002

Explain how one can write Maxwell's equations in relativistic form by introducing an antisymmetric field strength tensor FabF_{a b}.

In an inertial frame SS, the electric and magnetic fields are E\mathbf{E} and B\mathbf{B}. Suppose that there is a second inertial frame SS^{\prime} moving with velocity vv along the xx-axis relative to SS. Derive the rules for finding the electric and magnetic fields E\mathbf{E}^{\prime} and B\mathbf{B}^{\prime} in the frame SS^{\prime}. Show that E2B2|\mathbf{E}|^{2}-|\mathbf{B}|^{2} and EB\mathbf{E} \cdot \mathbf{B} are invariant under Lorentz transformations.

Suppose that E=E0(0,1,0)\mathbf{E}=E_{0}(0,1,0) and B=E0(0,cosθ,sinθ)\mathbf{B}=E_{0}(0, \cos \theta, \sin \theta), where 0θ<π/20 \leq \theta<\pi / 2. At what velocity must an observer be moving in the frame SS for the electric and magnetic fields to appear to be parallel?

Comment on the case θ=π/2\theta=\pi / 2.

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