
Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2002

A holomorphic map p:STp: S \rightarrow T between Riemann surfaces is called a covering map if every tTt \in T has a neighbourhood VV for which p1(V)p^{-1}(V) breaks up as a disjoint union of open subsets UαU_{\alpha} on which p:UαVp: U_{\alpha} \rightarrow V is biholomorphic.

(a) Suppose that f:RTf: R \rightarrow T is any holomorphic map of connected Riemann surfaces, RR is simply connected and p:STp: S \rightarrow T is a covering map. By considering the lifts of paths from TT to SS, or otherwise, prove that ff lifts to a holomorphic map f~:RS\widetilde{f}: R \rightarrow S, i.e. that there exists an f~\widetilde{f} with f=pf~f=p \circ \widetilde{f}.

(b) Write down a biholomorphic map from the unit disk Δ={zC:z<1}\Delta=\{z \in \mathbb{C}:|z|<1\} onto a half-plane. Show that the unit disk Δ\Delta uniformizes the punctured unit disk Δ×=Δ{0}\Delta^{\times}=\Delta-\{0\} by constructing an explicit covering map p:ΔΔ×p: \Delta \rightarrow \Delta^{\times}.

(c) Using the uniformization theorem, or otherwise, prove that any holomorphic map from C\mathbb{C} to a compact Riemann surface of genus greater than one is constant.

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