
Representation Theory | Part II, 2001

(i) Let GG be a group, and XX and YY finite GG-sets. Define the permutation representation C[X]\mathbf{C}[X] and compute its character. Show that

dimHomG(C[X],C[Y])\operatorname{dim}_{\operatorname{Hom}_{G}}(\mathbf{C}[X], \mathbf{C}[Y])

is equal to the number of GG-orbits in X×YX \times Y.

(ii) Let G=Sn(n4),X={1,,n}G=S_{n}(n \geqslant 4), X=\{1, \ldots, n\}, and

Z={{i,j}Xij}Z=\{\{i, j\} \subseteq X \mid i \neq j\}

be the set of 2 -element subsets of XX. Decompose C[Z]\mathbf{C}[Z] into irreducibles, and determine the dimension of each irreducible constituent.

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