
Number Theory | Part II, 2001

Attempt one of the following:

(i) Discuss pseudoprimes and primality testing. Find all bases for which 57 is a Fermat pseudoprime. Determine whether 57 is also an Euler pseudoprime for these bases.

(ii) Write a brief account of various methods for factoring large numbers. Use Fermat factorization to find the factors of 10033. Would Pollard's p1p-1 method also be practical in this instance?

(iii) Show that 1/pn\sum 1 / p_{n} is divergent, where pnp_{n} denotes the nn-th prime.

Write a brief account of basic properties of the Riemann zeta-function.

State the prime number theorem. Show that it implies that for all sufficiently large positive integers nn there is a prime pp satisfying n<p2nn<p \leqslant 2 n.

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