correspond to the spins being aligned along a direction at an angle θ to the z direction.
The spin- 0 state of two spin- 21 particles is
Show that this is independent of the direction chosen to define ∣↑⟩1,2,∣↓⟩1,2. If the spin of particle 1 along some direction is measured to be 21ℏ show that the spin of particle 2 along the same direction is determined, giving its value.
[The Pauli matrices are given by
(ii) Starting from the commutation relation for angular momentum in the form
obtain the possible values of j,m, where mℏ are the eigenvalues of J3 and j(j+1)ℏ2 are the eigenvalues of J2=21(J+J−+J−J+)+J32. Show that the corresponding normalized eigenvectors, ∣j,m⟩, satisfy
and that
The state ∣w⟩ is defined by
for any complex w. By expanding the exponential show that ⟨w∣w⟩=(1+∣w∣2)2j. Verify that
and hence show that
If H=αJ3 verify that ∣∣∣eiαt⟩e−ijαt is a solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.