
Graph Theory | Part II, 2001

(i) Prove that any graph GG drawn on a compact surface SS with negative Euler characteristic E(S)E(S) has a vertex colouring that uses at most

h=12(7+4924E(S))h=\left\lfloor\frac{1}{2}(7+\sqrt{49-24 E(S)})\right\rfloor


Briefly discuss whether the result is still true when E(S)0E(S) \geqslant 0.

(ii) Prove that a graph GG is kk edge-connected if and only if the removal of no set of less than kk edges from GG disconnects GG.

[If you use any form of Menger's theorem, you must prove it.]

Let GG be a minimal example of a graph that requires k+1k+1 colours for a vertex colouring. Show that GG must be kk edge-connected.

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