
Transport Processes | Part II, 2001

Fluid flows in the xx-direction past the infinite plane y=0y=0 with uniform but timedependent velocity U(t)=U0G(t/t0)U(t)=U_{0} G\left(t / t_{0}\right), where GG is a positive function with timescale t0t_{0}. A long region of the plane, 0<x<L0<x<L, is heated and has temperature T0(1+γ(x/L)n)T_{0}\left(1+\gamma(x / L)^{n}\right), where T0,γ,nT_{0}, \gamma, n are constants [γ=O(1)][\gamma=O(1)]; the remainder of the plane is insulating (Ty=0)\left(T_{y}=0\right). The fluid temperature far from the heated region is T0T_{0}. A thermal boundary layer is formed over the heated region. The full advection-diffusion equation for temperature T(x,y,t)T(x, y, t) is

Tt+U(t)Tx=D(Tyy+Txx),T_{t}+U(t) T_{x}=D\left(T_{y y}+T_{x x}\right),

where DD is the thermal diffusivity. By considering the steady case (G1)(G \equiv 1), derive a scale for the thickness of the boundary layer, and explain why the term TxxT_{x x} in (1) can be neglected if U0L/D1U_{0} L / D \gg 1.

Neglecting TxxT_{x x}, use the change of variables

τ=tt0,ξ=xL,η=y[U(t)Dx]1/2,TT0T0=γ(xL)nf(ξ,η,τ)\tau=\frac{t}{t_{0}}, \quad \xi=\frac{x}{L}, \quad \eta=y\left[\frac{U(t)}{D x}\right]^{1 / 2}, \quad \frac{T-T_{0}}{T_{0}}=\gamma\left(\frac{x}{L}\right)^{n} f(\xi, \eta, \tau)

to transform the governing equation to

fηη+12ηfηnf=ξfξ+Lξt0U0(Gτ2G2ηfη+1Gfτ)f_{\eta \eta}+\frac{1}{2} \eta f_{\eta}-n f=\xi f_{\xi}+\frac{L \xi}{t_{0} U_{0}}\left(\frac{G_{\tau}}{2 G^{2}} \eta f_{\eta}+\frac{1}{G} f_{\tau}\right)

Write down the boundary conditions to be satisfied by ff in the region 0<ξ<10<\xi<1.

In the case in which UU is slowly-varying, so ϵ=Lt0U01\epsilon=\frac{L}{t_{0} U_{0}} \ll 1, consider a solution for ff in the form

f=f0(η)+ϵf1(ξ,η,τ)+O(ϵ2).f=f_{0}(\eta)+\epsilon f_{1}(\xi, \eta, \tau)+O\left(\epsilon^{2}\right) .

Explain why f0f_{0} is independent of ξ\xi and τ\tau.

Henceforth take n=12n=\frac{1}{2}. Calculate f0(η)f_{0}(\eta) and show that

f1=GτξG2g(η)f_{1}=\frac{G_{\tau} \xi}{G^{2}} g(\eta)

where gg satisfies the ordinary differential equation

g+12ηg32g=η4ηeu2/4du.g^{\prime \prime}+\frac{1}{2} \eta g^{\prime}-\frac{3}{2} g=\frac{-\eta}{4} \int_{\eta}^{\infty} e^{-u^{2} / 4} d u .

State the boundary conditions on g(η)g(\eta).

The heat transfer per unit length of the heated region is DTyy=0-\left.D T_{y}\right|_{y=0}. Use the above results to show that the total rate of heat transfer is

T0[DLU(t)]1/2γ2{πϵGτG2g(0)+O(ϵ2)}T_{0}[D L U(t)]^{1 / 2} \frac{\gamma}{2}\left\{\sqrt{\pi}-\frac{\epsilon G_{\tau}}{G^{2}} g^{\prime}(0)+O\left(\epsilon^{2}\right)\right\}

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