
Statistical Physics and Cosmology | Part II, 2001

(i) Given that g(p)dpg(p) d p is the number of eigenstates of a gas particle with momentum between pp and p+dpp+d p, write down the Bose-Einstein distribution nˉ(p)\bar{n}(p) for the average number of particles with momentum between pp and p+dpp+d p, as a function of temperature TT and chemical potential μ\mu.

Given that μ=0\mu=0 and g(p)=8πVp2h3g(p)=8 \pi \frac{V p^{2}}{h^{3}} for a gas of photons, obtain a formula for the energy density ρT\rho_{T} at temperature TT in the form

ρT=0ϵT(ν)dν,\rho_{T}=\int_{0}^{\infty} \epsilon_{T}(\nu) d \nu,

where ϵT(ν)\epsilon_{T}(\nu) is a function of the photon frequency ν\nu that you should determine. Hence show that the value νpeak \nu_{\text {peak }} of ν\nu at the maximum of ϵT(ν)\epsilon_{T}(\nu) is proportional to TT.

A thermally isolated photon gas undergoes a slow change of its volume VV. Why is nˉ(p)\bar{n}(p) unaffected by this change? Use this fact to show that VT3V T^{3} remains constant.

(ii) According to the "Hot Big Bang" theory, the Universe evolved by expansion from an earlier state in which it was filled with a gas of electrons, protons and photons (with ne=npn_{e}=n_{p} ) at thermal equilibrium at a temperature TT such that

2mec2kTB2 m_{e} c^{2} \gg k T \gg B

where mem_{e} is the electron mass and BB is the binding energy of a hydrogen atom. Why must the composition have been different when kT2mec2k T \gg 2 m_{e} c^{2} ? Why must it change as the temperature falls to kTBk T \ll B ? Why does this lead to a thermal decoupling of radiation from matter?

The baryon number of the Universe can be taken to be the number of protons, either as free particles or as hydrogen atom nuclei. Let nbn_{b} be the baryon number density and nγn_{\gamma} the photon number density. Why is the ratio η=nb/nγ\eta=n_{b} / n_{\gamma} unchanged by the expansion of the universe? Given that η1\eta \ll 1, obtain an estimate of the temperature TDT_{D} at which decoupling occurs, as a function of η\eta and BB. How does this decoupling lead to the concept of a "surface of last scattering" and a prediction of a Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)?

Part II

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