
Statistical Physics and Cosmology | Part II, 2001

(i) Introducing the concept of a co-moving distance co-ordinate, explain briefly how the velocity of a galaxy in an isotropic and homogeneous universe is determined by the scale factor a(t)a(t). How is the scale factor related to the Hubble constant H0H_{0} ?

A homogeneous and isotropic universe has an energy density ρ(t)c2\rho(t) c^{2} and a pressure P(t)P(t). Use the relation dE=PdVd E=-P d V to derive the "fluid equation"


where the overdot indicates differentiation with respect to time, tt. Given that a(t)a(t) satisfies the "acceleration equation"

a¨=4πG3a(ρ+3Pc2)\ddot{a}=-\frac{4 \pi G}{3} a\left(\rho+\frac{3 P}{c^{2}}\right)

show that the quantity

k=c2(8πG3ρa2a˙2)k=c^{-2}\left(\frac{8 \pi G}{3} \rho a^{2}-\dot{a}^{2}\right)

is time-independent.

The pressure PP is related to ρ\rho by the "equation of state"

P=σρc2,σ<1.P=\sigma \rho c^{2}, \quad|\sigma|<1 .

Given that a(t0)=1a\left(t_{0}\right)=1, find a(t)a(t) for k=0k=0, and hence show that a(0)=0a(0)=0.

(ii) What is meant by the expression "the Hubble time"?

Assuming that a(0)=0a(0)=0 and a(t0)=1a\left(t_{0}\right)=1, where t0t_{0} is the time now (of the current cosmological era), obtain a formula for the radius R0R_{0} of the observable universe.

Given that


for constant α\alpha, find the values of α\alpha for which R0R_{0} is finite. Given that R0R_{0} is finite, show that the age of the universe is less than the Hubble time. Explain briefly, and qualitatively, why this result is to be expected as long as

ρ+3Pc2>0.\rho+3 \frac{P}{c^{2}}>0 .

Part II

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