(i) Assume that independent observations Y1,…,Yn are such that
Yi∼Binomial(ti,πi),log1−πiπi=βTxi for 1⩽i⩽n
where x1,…,xn are given covariates. Discuss carefully how to estimate β, and how to test that the model fits.
(ii) Carmichael et al. (1989) collected data on the numbers of 5 -year old children with "dmft", i.e. with 5 or more decayed, missing or filled teeth, classified by social class, and by whether or not their tap water was fluoridated or non-fluoridated. The numbers of such children with dmft, and the total numbers, are given in the table below:
\begin{tabular}{l|ll} Social Class & Fluoridated & Non-fluoridated \ \hline I & 12/117 & 12/56 \ II & 26/170 & 48/146 \ III & 11/52 & 29/64 \ Unclassified & 24/118 & 49/104 \end{tabular}
A (slightly edited) version of the R output is given below. Explain carefully what model is being fitted, whether it does actually fit, and what the parameter estimates and Std. Errors are telling you. (You may assume that the factors SClass (social class) and Fl (with/without) have been correctly set up.)

(Intercept) SClassII SClassIII SClassUnc Flwithout Estimate −2.27160.50990.98571.00201.0813 Std. 0.23960.26280.30210.26840.1694 Error −9.4801.9403.2623.7346.383 z value

Here 'Yes' is the vector of numbers with dmft, taking values 12,12,…,24,49, 'Total' is the vector of Total in each category, taking values 117,56,…,118,104, and SClass, Fl are the factors corresponding to Social class and Fluoride status, defined in the obvious way.