
Waves in Fluid and Solid Media | Part II, 2001

Consider the equation

ϕtt+α2ϕxxxx+β2ϕ=0,\phi_{t t}+\alpha^{2} \phi_{x x x x}+\beta^{2} \phi=0,

where α\alpha and β\beta are real constants. Find the dispersion relation for waves of frequency ω\omega and wavenumber kk. Find the phase velocity c(k)c(k) and the group velocity cg(k)c_{g}(k) and sketch graphs of these functions.

Multiplying equation ()(*) by ϕt\phi_{t}, obtain an equation of the form

At+Bx=0\frac{\partial A}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial B}{\partial x}=0

where AA and BB are expressions involving ϕ\phi and its derivatives. Give a physical interpretation of this equation.

Evaluate the time-averaged energy E\langle E\rangle and energy flux I\langle I\rangle of a monochromatic wave ϕ=cos(kxwt)\phi=\cos (k x-w t), and show that

I=cgE.\langle I\rangle=c_{g}\langle E\rangle .

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