
Waves in Fluid and Solid Media | Part II, 2001

Derive Riemann's equations for finite amplitude, one-dimensional sound waves in a perfect gas with ratio of specific heats γ\gamma.

At time t=0t=0 the gas is at rest and has uniform density ρ0\rho_{0}, pressure p0p_{0} and sound speed c0c_{0}. A piston initially at x=0x=0 starts moving backwards at time t=0t=0 with displacement x=asinωtx=-a \sin \omega t, where aa and ω\omega are positive constants. Explain briefly how to find the resulting disturbance using a graphical construction in the xtx t-plane, and show that prior to any shock forming c=c0+12(γ1)uc=c_{0}+\frac{1}{2}(\gamma-1) u.

For small amplitude aa, show that the excess pressure Δp=pp0\Delta p=p-p_{0} and the excess sound speed Δc=cc0\Delta c=c-c_{0} are related by

Δpp0=2γγ1Δcc0+γ(γ+1)(γ1)2(Δcc0)2+O((Δcc0)3)\frac{\Delta p}{p_{0}}=\frac{2 \gamma}{\gamma-1} \frac{\Delta c}{c_{0}}+\frac{\gamma(\gamma+1)}{(\gamma-1)^{2}}\left(\frac{\Delta c}{c_{0}}\right)^{2}+O\left(\left(\frac{\Delta c}{c_{0}}\right)^{3}\right)

Deduce that the time-averaged pressure on the face of the piston exceeds p0p_{0} by

18ρ0a2ω2(γ+1)+O(a3)\frac{1}{8} \rho_{0} a^{2} \omega^{2}(\gamma+1)+O\left(a^{3}\right)

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