
Electrodynamics | Part II, 2001

The Liénard-Wiechert potential for a particle of charge qq, assumed to be moving non-relativistically along the trajectory yμ(τ),τy^{\mu}(\tau), \tau being the proper time along the trajectory,

Aμ(x,t)=μ0q4πdyμ/dτ(xy(τ))νdyν/dττ=τ0.A^{\mu}(x, t)=\left.\frac{\mu_{0} q}{4 \pi} \frac{d y^{\mu} / d \tau}{(x-y(\tau))_{\nu} d y^{\nu} / d \tau}\right|_{\tau=\tau_{0}} .

Explain how to calculate τ0\tau_{0} given xμ=(x,t)x^{\mu}=(x, t) and yμ=(y,t)y^{\mu}=\left(y, t^{\prime}\right).

Derive Larmor's formula for the rate at which electromagnetic energy is radiated from a particle of charge qq undergoing an acceleration aa.

Suppose that one considers the classical non-relativistic hydrogen atom with an electron of mass mm and charge e-e orbiting a fixed proton of charge +e+e, in a circular orbit of radius r0r_{0}. What is the total energy of the electron? As the electron is accelerated towards the proton it will radiate, thereby losing energy and causing the orbit to decay. Derive a formula for the lifetime of the orbit.

Part II

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