Write down the solution for the scalar potential φ(x) that satisfies
with φ(x)→0 as r=∣x∣→∞. You may assume that the charge distribution ρ(x) vanishes for r>R, for some constant R. In an expansion of φ(x) for r≫R, show that the terms of order 1/r and 1/r2 can be expressed in terms of the total charge Q and the electric dipole moment p, which you should define.
Write down the analogous solution for the vector potential A(x) that satisfies
with A(x)→0 as r→∞. You may assume that the current J(x) vanishes for r>R and that it obeys ∇⋅J=0 everywhere. In an expansion of A(x) for r≫R, show that the term of order 1/r vanishes.
[ Hint: ∂xj∂(xiJj)=Ji+xi∂xj∂Jj.]