(i) Consider the Poisson equation ∇2ψ(r)=f(r) with forcing term f on the infinite domain R3 with lim∣r∣→∞ψ=0. Derive the Green's function G(r,r′)=−1/(4π∣r−r′∣) for this equation using the divergence theorem. [You may assume without proof that the divergence theorem is valid for the Green's function.]
(ii) Consider the Helmholtz equation
where k is a real constant. A Green's function g(r,r′) for this equation can be constructed from G(r,r′) of (i) by assuming g(r,r′)=U(r)G(r,r′) where r=∣r−r′∣ and U(r) is a regular function. Show that limr→0U(r)=1 and that U satisfies the equation
(iii) Take the Green's function with the specific solution U(r)=eikr to Eq. (‡) and consider the Helmholtz equation (†) on the semi-infinite domain z>0,x,y∈R. Use the method of images to construct a Green's function for this problem that satisfies the boundary conditions
∂z′∂g=0 on z′=0 and ∣r∣→∞limg(r,r′)=0
(iv) A solution to the Helmholtz equation on a bounded domain can be constructed in complete analogy to that of the Poisson equation using the Green's function in Green's 3rd identity
where V denotes the volume of the domain, ∂V its boundary and ∂/∂n′ the outgoing normal derivative on the boundary. Now consider the homogeneous Helmholtz equation ∇2ψ(r)+k2ψ(r)=0 on the domain z>0,x,y∈R with boundary conditions ψ(r)=0 at ∣r∣→∞ and
∂z∂ψ∣∣∣∣∣z=0={0A for ρ>a for ρ⩽a
where ρ=x2+y2 and A and a are real constants. Construct a solution in integral form to this equation using cylindrical coordinates (z,ρ,φ) with x=ρcosφ,y=ρsinφ.