
Special Relativity | Part IB, 2008

Write down the formulae for the one-dimensional Lorentz transformation (x,t)(x, t) \rightarrow (x,t)\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right) for frames moving with relative velocity vv along the xx-direction. Derive the relativistic formula for the addition of velocities vv and uu.

A train, of proper length LL, travels past a station at velocity v>0v>0. The origin of the inertial frame SS, with coordinates (x,t)(x, t), in which the train is stationary, is located at the mid-point of the train. The origin of the inertial frame SS^{\prime}, with coordinates (x,t)\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right), in which the station is stationary, is located at the mid-point of the platform. Coordinates are chosen such that when the origins coincide then t=t=0t=t^{\prime}=0.

Observers A and B, stationary in SS, are located, respectively, at the front and rear of the train. Observer C, stationary in SS^{\prime}, is located at the origin of SS^{\prime}. At t=0t^{\prime}=0, C sends two signals, which both travel at speed uu, where v<ucv<u \leq c, one directed towards A\mathrm{A} and the other towards B\mathrm{B}, who receive the signals at respective times tAt_{A} and tBt_{B}. C\mathrm{C} observes these events to occur, respectively, at times tAt_{A}^{\prime} and tBt_{B}^{\prime}. At t=0,Ct^{\prime}=0, \mathrm{C} also observes that the two ends of the platform coincide with the positions of AA and BB.

(a) Draw two space-time diagrams, one for SS and the other for SS^{\prime}, showing the trajectories of the observers and the events that take place.

(b) What is the length of the platform in terms of LL ? Briefly illustrate your answer by reference to the space-time diagrams.

(c) Calculate the time differences tBtAt_{B}-t_{A} and tBtAt_{B}^{\prime}-t_{A}^{\prime}.

(d) Setting u=cu=c, use this example to discuss briefly the fact that two events observed to be simultaneous in one frame need not be observed to be simultaneous in another.

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