
Complex Methods | Part IB, 2008

Let HH be the domain C{x+iy:x0,y=0}\mathbb{C}-\{x+i y: x \leq 0, y=0\} (i.e., C\mathbb{C} cut along the negative xx-axis). Show, by a suitable choice of branch, that the mapping

zw=ilogzz \mapsto w=-i \log z

maps HH onto the strip S={z=x+iy,π<x<π}S=\{z=x+i y,-\pi<x<\pi\}.

How would a different choice of branch change the result?

Let GG be the domain {zC:z<1,z+i>2}\{z \in \mathbb{C}:|z|<1,|z+i|>\sqrt{2}\}. Find an analytic transformation that maps GG to SS, where SS is the strip defined above.

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